Lexington-Fayetteの求人 Search Results
2 結果
Creative Director
Lexington-Fayette, KY 3378 Holwyn Rd
Clarity RoboticsWe are looking for a talented and motivated Creative Director to lead our company's creative department. The successful candidate must possess excellent leadership qualities, with the ability to maximize the talents of their team.
Digital Marketing Coordinator
Lexington-Fayette, KY 3378 Holwyn Rd
Clarity RoboticsWe are looking for a competent Digital Marketing Coordinator to support and optimize our organization's digital marketing programs. Duties for the Digital Marketing Coordinator will include tracking campaign progress, developing various digital marketing materials, sourcing images and artwork, collating content, updating online assets, streamlining digital marketing production, and handling general digital marketing activities. Your creative thinking skills and strategies will be an essential part in driving our digital narrative, enhancing our organization's image, improving digital communication with clients, and encouraging business growth through effective campaigns.
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