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Business Development Manager

Waltham, Massachusetts


Due to a promotion in our team, we are hiring another Business Development Manager to take over a mix of existing accounts and new sales territory. To excel in this role you should be an active listener, have a compelling sales personality, and a hunger to chase and close new business from cold calls and inbound warm leads.


  • Contacting potential clients to establish rapport and arrange meetings.
  • Planning and overseeing new marketing initiatives.
  • Researching organizations and individuals to find new opportunities.
  • Increasing the value of current customers while attracting new ones.
  • Finding and developing new markets and improving sales.
  • Attending conferences, meetings, and industry events.
  • Developing quotes and proposals for clients.
  • Developing goals for the development team and business growth and ensuring they are met.
  • Training personnel and helping team members develop their skills.


  • Bachelor's degree in business, marketing or related field.
  • Experience in sales, marketing or related field.
  • Strong communication skills and IT fluency.
  • Ability to manage complex projects and multi-task.
  • Excellent organizational skills.
  • Ability to flourish with minimal guidance, be proactive, and handle uncertainty.
  • Proficient in Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint.
  • Comfortable using a computer for various tasks.

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