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Global Graduate Programme - Marketing

Wien, Österreich



  • A real job with real impact from day one. Ultimately, it will set you up for a successful career ahead - the chance to progress from graduate to junior manager in 18 months.
  • Best-in-class leadership training in The Clarity Academy where one can establish networking with fellow graduates and senior colleagues from around the world.
  • Chance to create an impact on our international business participating in global cross-market projects, under the supervision of a dedicated Coach & Mentor.
  • We're serious about putting one on the right career path and consider our Global Graduate Programme as a stepping-stone to bigger and better things.


  • Graduated with Bachelor or Master’s with any major (added advantage majoring in Marketing)
  • Final year student, fresh graduate or a professional with maximum 2 years of relevant work experience
  • Have an excellent academic record with a minimum GPA of 3.2
  • Demonstrated strong leadership capabilities via extra-curricular activities
  • Exceptional communication skills, strong interpersonal, team building and negotiation skills
  • Energetic, resilient, self-motivated, result-driven, highly adaptable, and able to work independently

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