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Infrastructure Engineer

Toronto, Kanada


We are looking for an infrastructure engineer who is detail-oriented, proficient with technologies and hardware, and who flourishes in high-pressure environments. Infrastructure engineers generally work with numerous software programs, clients and other technical staff, and often need to do field analysis and maintenance. Their responsibilities include upgrading and improving operating environments, creating repair strategies, and providing technical support and training for users.

Successful infrastructural engineers should have good communication and collaboration skills, excellent analytical, problem-solving and time-management skills, and an extensive knowledge of data laws. Ideal candidates will also have experience in project management and giving professional presentations.


  • Installing and maintaining operating environments.
  • Monitoring these operating environments.
  • Responding effectively and speedily to any problems.
  • Maintaining a professional demeanor with clients and colleagues.
  • Providing training and support.
  • Ensuring operating environments stay safe and secure.
  • Updating any software and hardware where necessary.
  • Documenting all reported malfunctions and actions taken in response.


  • Bachelor's degree in computer science or engineering.
  • Advanced organizational skills.
  • Must know how to use database systems management software, enterprise resource planning software, and web platform development software.

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