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Creative Director

Lexington-Fayette, Kentucky


We are looking for a talented and motivated Creative Director to lead our company's creative department. The successful candidate must possess excellent leadership qualities, with the ability to maximize the talents of their team.

As the Creative Director, you will work closely with the graphic design and marketing department to deliver engaging content that meets the expectations of our customers. You should be extremely creative, dedicated, and possess excellent written and verbal communication skills.


  • Work with the brand team to produce new ideas for company branding, promotional campaigns, and marketing communications.
  • Evaluate trends, assess new data and keep up-to-date with the latest marketing techniques.
  • Assist clients in resolving issues by responding to questions in a timely and professional manner.
  • Create and implement tailored marketing plans based on individual client requirements.
  • Direct brainstorming meetings and creative sessions.
  • Shape brand standards and create procedures to ensure all products are brand appropriate.
  • Supervise the department's daily workflow, assign project workload, and monitor deadlines and budgets.
  • Develop exceptional and well-crafted copy that meet clients' requirements.


  • Bachelor's degree in art, graphic design, marketing, communications, journalism and other relevant fields.
  • A minimum of 5 years' digital experience, particularly with, but not limited to web, social and emerging technologies.
  • A solid understanding of design, copy and web practices.
  • Brilliant interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Have an in-depth knowledge of brand development and multichannel marketing models.
  • Must be a creative and strategic thinker.

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