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Client Services Manager

Chicago, Illinois


We are searching for a professional and courteous Client Services Manager with great people skills to help our business prioritize existing customers and bring new clients on board. The Client Services Manager will be tasked with maintaining current clients and growing our customer base, keeping accurate correspondence records, meeting regularly with management, updating client details, developing customer service policies, training junior client services agents, and recommending different product options to clients. Your dedication to the needs of our clients will encourage client loyalty and enhance our organization's growth through positive client-to-business engagement.

To ensure success in this role, the ideal candidate should demonstrate excellent active listening and communication skills, good personal presentation, politeness and tact, and be able to function in a high pressure environment. The noteworthy Client Services Manager should provide timely solutions to client's problems, build sustainable and continuous relationships with clients, show initiative and drive when dealing with client requests, and assist in developing marketing material and sales strategies.


  • Develop effective communication platforms for clients and staff.
  • Inspire repeat-business from clients.
  • Conduct customer service workshops and presentations.
  • Monitor and measure client satisfaction.
  • Liaise with different departments about client queries.
  • Offer advice to clients on services and products.
  • Develop surveys and capture client information.
  • Participate in marketing campaigns.
  • Deal with client requests and troubleshoot problems.


  • Business Degree or related qualification.
  • Strong communication skills.
  • Ability to meet deadlines.
  • Computer literacy.
  • Calm, polite, and professional behavior.
  • Reliable and self-motivated.
  • General business knowledge.
  • High service orientation.

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